Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tamiflu side effects

tamiflu side effects

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tamiflu side effects
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Tamiflu, a drug used for treating influenza, including human bird flu infection, is to carry a warning in the USA, after reports of cases of delirium, self-harm, hallucinations and suicidal

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Author: killinguswithfood
Keywords: swine flu bird H5N1 H1N1pandemic vaccines tamiflu relenza HHS FDA US government nwo human testing
Added: April 28, 2009

Author: warriorsbond
Keywords: bird flu . N95 . mask . tamiflu . survive pandemic .
Added: April 26, 2009

Author: ant10011001
Keywords: swine flu virus SARS tamiflew NWO
Added: May 5, 2009

used to treat head and neck cancers, breast, stomach and colorectal cancers, among others -- can cause a side effect called hand-foot syndrome. This is a chronic inflammation of the palms of the hands or soles of the feet that can cause the skin to peel,


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